Tuesday 8th October

10.15 Gemona del Friuli

Cinema Teatro Sociale


By and with
Silvano Antonelli

Loosely based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen

Produced by
Compagnia Teatrale Stilema

actor theater/music

50 minutes

3-10 years


Being equal. Being different.
What makes us feel “okay” or “at fault” compared to how “one should be”?
For a girl or a boy, every moment is a piece of their identity being constructed. The world is full of models and stereotypes of efficiency and “beauty” against which it is all too easy to feel uncomfortable. Just wearing glasses, or taking a little longer than others to read a sentence, or having skin that is a bit darker or a bit lighter, or struggling to climb a step with a wheelchair, or being a little too sensitive, or a little…
Closed off in their emotions, it feels like there is an emptiness, a missing piece.
But it is precisely from that lack that we must start. This time seems to challenge us to build ourselves and our identity, accepting the differences and uniqueness that each person carries.

Source of Inspiration
The fairy tale by Andersen that the title references is viewed here as an archetype. A fairy tale that transforms to speak to this present. Among ducks with glasses, musical instruments, and fun, poetic suggestions, the show seeks to evoke emotions around the idea that everyone, absolutely everyone, can strive to turn their weakness into a strength, no matter where they start or in what condition they find themselves.
A way to lift our eyes and look at the vast sky that surrounds us. That sky in which life, any life, asks us to try to fly.

Final song video: https://youtu.be/9N8VC4Ke1NI

Link to the webpage: https://compagniateatralestilema.it/