Tuesday 8th october

ore 11.30, Artegna

Teatro Lavaroni


Rossella Guidotti

Dramaturgy and direction by
Luca Chieregato

Scenes by
Alessia Bussini

Prodotto da

actor’s theater

60 minuti

11+ anni


Giovanna doesn’t like rules very much: her chair and desk are too small for her, she dreams of taking lessons under the trees and studying subjects that have yet to be invented. She hates school, she doesn’t understand and she’s bored.

But she’s not a stupid girl, on the contrary: she’s so smart that questions often overwhelm her, and adults almost never know how to answer. And then she feels alone, very often; she doesn’t know who to tell and she doesn’t even know if she wants to tell, and sometimes she prefers to keep her insolent face on and keep her invisible pain on, which she can’t name.

And so, between one misadventure and another, between a suspension and a morning in the principal’s office, in a very adventurous way Giovanna will be chosen by the student committee to represent the students. Here’s the opportunity to write completely new, crazy, bizarre rules, and to see what happens when you put them into practice one by one. Here is the opportunity to make yourself heard, for once, to let yourself be seen and maybe to be taken seriously.


The show addresses the issue of rules, both in the social and scholastic spheres, offering kids the opportunity to reflect in a disconcerting way on the many whys that surround us and to which we often do not know how to answer. Concepts such as freedom, duty, right, often lose their value by not having concrete references, and sometimes students ignore the rights they possess and consequently do not deal with the duties that concern them. Giovanna does not answer: she asks. And questions, as we know, are capable of breaking down walls, of overturning boundaries, of giving others a space of expression to speak, to meet, to live better together.

Video trailer: https://vimeo.com/776790448/3882e5f092

Link to the web page: https://www.lucachieregato.it/spettacoli/q-come-scuola/