Trallallero thrives in a complex environment, immersed in nature.

A unique landscape that we enhance through the choice of a widespread festival, embracing various locations.

Not just Artegna!

Trallallero was born in 2011 in Artegna, and until 2020, this was the festival’s sole location. However, since 2021, Trallallero has expanded its programming to include Tarcento and Gemona del Friuli,

(with some events also in Magnano in Riviera, Nimis, Rive d’Arcano, Montenars…) and has involved schools from a much wider area, stretching from Venzone to Pagnacco, and from Taipana to Trasaghis.

We remain firmly rooted in our small communities.

Our credibility lies in the awareness of the intimacy of the event and the potential that this intimacy can bring forth.

An urban festival might offer more opportunities, but it would no longer be “this” festival.

We work to be a **permanent artistic hub**.

We offer a service by listening to the territory and its needs,

weaving networks of collaboration and support with those who, like us, are committed to promoting culture for the new generations.

We promote connections,

interactions between people, and active participation,

where the audience is an essential presence for the existence of live performances.

Feel Connected!

Trallallero is a journey

that unfolds over a year of work.

Months of preparation, and after the event, nurturing its impact to ensure that nothing is lost,

all while already gearing up for the next year.

Discovering and experiencing the territory,

throughout the entire year.

This is why we love to suggest Le Strade di Trallallero to families:

10 family-friendly itineraries for excursions in the places of Trallallero, including Artegna, Gemona, and Venzone, Lago dei Tre Comuni, Tarcento, and the Torre Valleys.