
Our projects!

Trallallero is a system dedicated to the entire community.

It is an international professional artistic center.

Trallallero responds to an imaginary, that of children, which is not cataloged and colonized by rigid classification categories.

The focus of the festival is theater, but a theater necessarily and naturally hybridized by the contact and inclusion of the different languages of the disciplines of live performance: dance, music, puppetry, video installations, literature …


Trallallero doesn’t end with the festival’s program days, but aims to be a constant professional artistic hub of international level for the region, through educational and artistic programs offered to schools and families.

Art and culture are privileged tools that allow children and young people to process and express their emotions.

This is why Trallallero is committed to addressing the artistic and relational needs of children and young people, not only through the quality and variety of languages (theatre, dance, clowning, puppet theatre…) featured in the performances,

but also through enhancing and refining the welcoming and preparation process for the audience (and post-viewing experience). When we talk about audience, we are not just referring to children and young people, but also to their companions: teachers and family members.

We are committed to offering spaces that blend social interaction and artistic experiences. Various actions have been developed in this regard for 2024/25, in collaboration with several partners. We would especially like to thank the social cooperative Aracon for their practical support and the Pietro Pittini Foundation and the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia (LR 23/2012) for their specific assistance.

The schedule is still being finalized, but we can already share that from October 5 to 13, there will be activities for families, including scientific workshops by Kaleidoscienza, outdoor education with Associazione 0432, literary pathways with Rasmus, and a mobile bookstore in collaboration with Rasmus and Libreria Moderna Udinese.

Throughout October, an educational offer for schools will be available, featuring activities with Kaleidoscienza, creative writing experiences, and in-depth theatre discussions through MateariuM’s “Criticare ad Arte.”


TTrallallero is much more than just Trallallero 2024 and its official program.

There is a broader activity that spans the entire region of Gemonese and the Torre Valleys. From September 2024 to April 2025, performances will be organized for families and schools, along with artistic and theatre workshops for children, teens, and adults (including teachers, educators, and enthusiasts), both within and outside the school environment.

Until Sunday, October 6, the 2024 creative contest (see the rules) on the theme of HUGS will be open to kindergartens and primary schools of Friuli Venezia Giulia, offering “theatre incentive” prizes: free entry tickets to theatre performances and school readings.
You can download the black-and-white template of the illustration created by Chiara Signorini Gremigni and then let your creativity flow.

On Saturday, October 5, in the streets of the Artegna town center (and viewable throughout the festival week), the artists from Spicelapis will be decorating shop windows and local businesses with their creativity and skill: Caution! Artists at work!

From November 2024 to January 2025, the Sunday family events return to the Teatro Lavaroni in Artegna, in collaboration with the Amici del Teatro group. There will be one show a month, offering a chance to enjoy the winter months together.

Meanwhile, we are already working on collaborating with the XXVII edition of the Settimana del Libro at the Istituto Comprensivo di Tarcento, which will, as usual, take place between the last week of November and the first week of December.

From October 2024 to March 2025, during the festival and throughout the winter of 2024/2025, our theatre workshops will be active for children (ages 6-10) and teens (ages 11-17). Additionally, there will be a sound and lighting technology course, again in collaboration with the Amici del Teatro di Artegna.


Teatro al Quadrato actively supports young theatre artists under 35 through specific mentoring and tutoring programs aimed at enhancing and internationalizing the careers of young Italian artists. This is the focus of the BLOOMING project.

As has become a tradition since 2021, in collaboration with Servi di Scena of Rive d’Arcano, Mulino Nicli 2024 offers creative spaces to cultivate ideas.

From August 28 to 31, 2024, the high-level masterclass titled “…and then?” took place, curated this year by Renata Coluccini (director and artistic director of Teatro del Buratto in Milan). This was a collective and shared theatrical journey where body, mind, and heart were engaged, drawing inspiration from the short novel “Nothing” by Janne Teller (Feltrinelli, 2014).

A heartfelt thanks to all the young artists who participated in this experience, which concluded with a powerful public presentation on the afternoon of Saturday, August 31, at 3:00 PM.

In September, from September 24 to 28, also at Mulino Nicli, the creative development path for new productions—supported by Trallallero festival and initiated in February with dramaturgical tutoring from MateariuM—will come to a close. This will include an artistic residency offered to Collettivo LAN-DE-Sì, a company selected through a national call.

Finally, on Tuesday, October 8, and Wednesday, October 9, there will be space for Criticare ad Arte 2024, which will introduce a new experiment. For the first time, the structured post-performance dialogue between artists and organizers will be opened to the target audience as well—primary school children and their teachers.


Chain Reaction is a networking project aimed at developing international relationships in the field of theatre for young audiences. It was conceived and developed by six internationally-focused Italian festivals: Segni/New Generations Festival (Mantua, the project leader), Visioni di futuro Visioni di teatro (Bologna), Kids (Lecce), Teatro fra le Generazioni (Castelfiorentino), I Teatri del Mondo (Porto Sant’Elpidio), and our own Trallallero, with the participation of Assitej Italia, the Italian association for theatre for children and youth.

The project has received support from the MiC-Ministry of Culture, through the Boarding Pass Plus call for proposals.

Chain Reaction involves the development of several projects, including Criticare ad Arte, as well as Italia chiama 0-3, Pasta Madre, and Tandem Visiting.

The initiative offers opportunities such as Visiting, with trips to international festivals; Dialogues, an online exploration of the functioning of children’s theatre systems in various countries in Europe and beyond; and Travel Grants to support the mobility and international exchange of artists under 35.

A key event for 2024 was the Assitej International World Congress, held in Havana, Cuba, from May 25 to June 1, during which the artistic director of the Trallallero festival, Maria Giulia Campioli, presented the principles of the “Criticare ad Arte” project—a constructive dialogue between artists, theatre professionals, and programmers—to delegates from more than 80 countries that are members of Assitej International.

The Chain Reaction experience will officially conclude at the end of October 2024, after five years of activity, in Mantua, during the Segni New Generation Festival.