Sunday 13th October

15.00 Tarcento

Nido Verde-scuola nel bosco

Monday 14th October

10.00 Tarcento

Nido Verde-scuola nel bosco


Marta Zotti

produced by Associazione Culturale S.T.A.R.


45 minuti

4+ anni


In the setting of nature or open space, chosen together with the participating group, several fairy tales and legends related to the woods and mountains of Italy are narrated. A prologue marks the beginning of the narration – it is a hymn to the love of trees; an epilogue concludes the walk – it is an invitation to take action.

The stories feature trees, lakes, rivers, and clearings that contribute to the charm and magic that anyone can feel as soon as they take a contemplative walk, listening to nature.

These are fairy tales and legends with ancient roots, rewritten from the rich heritage of Italian oral tradition; stories that still speak today, renewing the call for respect and listening from everyone, so that the woods may never stop telling their stories to those who come after us.

During the walk (whether it’s a hike, a stroll, or a short “jaunt”), these stories are evoked by finding traces that nature leaves behind to tell its own tale. These traces are scattered along the path and are not only useful for the narration but also encourage the participating group to constantly listen to and observe what surrounds us.

A Sustainable Style

Reconnecting with nature in everyday life is an experience people seek today, though it often risks being reduced to a “Sunday outing,” something extra. But what if stories helped us to enter and exit this connection in a simpler and more direct way? What if the connection with nature and respect for it begins with the leaves flying onto the balcony, the twigs collected in the classroom, the question of whether or not to move a simple stone from its place in the middle of a path?

“Human consciousness is the product of the stories that are woven,” writes J. Gottschall, and listening to stories about the ever more endangered world we are immersed in could be the first step toward an awareness of it. A clear position to take: “These stories must continue to exist! And we must be able to invent new ones.”

Link to the website: