Friday 11th october

ore 10.00, Artegna

Teatro Lavaroni


Massimo Zatta e Antonio Brugnano

Valentina Maselli

by Altre Tracce

actor’s theatre, physical theatre, mime

60 minuti

8+ years


Max and Tonio were friends. They were. In the past. Now they are no longer. If you can stop being friends when you have truly been friends.
Max and Tonio have loved the same girl. Since they were invincible knights and believed she was a princess to be saved. But she didn’t feel like she needed to be saved and they lost the wonder of their adventures together for a nonexistent princess.
Max misses his friend Tonio so much and tries to tell him. He tries every day. But despite buying the most expensive speeches, he never finds the right words. You have to work hard to find them again.

Tonio misses his friend Max so much. But he is speechless and doesn’t know how to let him know. And certain silences can be misunderstood. You have to work hard to find each other again…

The value of words
In a country far away and unknown to most, words have an enormous value. The citizens of this country weigh every syllable they pronounce very carefully, and think 10, 100, 1000 times before saying even just one word. It would seem like an ideal world to live in, a world where the real and great power of words is recognized.
Unfortunately, as we know, all that glitters is not gold and the citizens of this country are not wiser than those of the rest of the world, simply here words are bought, paid for and also expensive. In short, in this country, if you want to say something you have to go to the “word shop” and buy what you need.
Words, words, words is freely inspired by The Great Factory of Words by Agnès De Lestrade

Video trailer:

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